When hunches become facts
New release – 11.4.16

All IT departments will agree that being ahead of a situation and not having to deal with constant fire fighting is nice. But it is also nice to save money. The two things rarely coincide. At Jammerbugt Municipality, a solution has been found that includes monitoring of a large number of IT systems and services so that they are at the forefront while also saving money on better utilization of existing hardware.

In Jammerbugt municipality, they do not only check that things are running, and there is no outage or breakdown. They also proactively test the users’ experience of the municipality’s digital systems.

”It’s never nice when employees contact you and complain about systems being down or slow, or they are unable to log in, etc. With automatic monitoring of the systems, we get an alarm when something does not work. Now, we can manage to fix it – often before anyone gets affected by it. We do not have the resources to manually make sure that everything is running, as it should, “says Leif Mortensen, Manager of Operations at Jammerbugt Municipality.

Compliance with SLA agreements

“The monitoring of our systems gives us a continuous view of how the uptime, bandwidth, and capability situation looks like. In this way, we can check if the SLA agreements we have concluded with our suppliers are fulfilled,” Says Leif Mortensen”

Server monitoring increases profitability

“Monitoring does not only cover uptime. Also network components, status of server CPU, RAM usage, disk space usage, etc. are monitored. “With the monitoring of server’s disk space, we can see any free space and overload. This means that we can move around more easily and allocate space depending on where the need arises. It is much better, seen from an economic point of view, as you do not risk investing in new servers because the existing servers appear to be full. We also save money by keeping an eye on our SLA agreements and adjust them according to changes in our needs,” says Leif Mortensen. “Furthermore, the CapMon solution automatically takes backup of the configuration. Thus, we have copies of all switches. This is a huge advantage as many of the switches have been configured differently, and it takes time to reestablish them in case of a breakdown,” says Leif Mortensen.

Download the entire Jammerbugt Kommune customer case as PDF.